Founded in 1997, we have a long track record of improving the design and delivery of safety and technical training and professional development. Our services draw on significant expertise and experience in competence and training, risk assessment, change management, health and safety.
CAS Leadership
Chen Chen, who was raised in Shanghai, gained a Master’s degree in human resource and knowledge management in the UK. She joined CAS in 2011, became its Commercial and Contracts Manager in 2014 and was appointed to the role of Managing Director in 2018. Chen is accountable to the CAS Board of Directors for its profitable growth and operations. She has worked internationally with government bodies and state-owned businesses and is a member of the Institute of Asset Management (IAM).
Chris Lloyd who founded the company and was previous Managing Director. Chris has three decades’ of experience and an extensive and international professional network in highly regulated asset intensive industries. He helps Chen ensure that CAS services are of the best quality and that the business is governed effectively.
Profiling our Team
Every month we share the story of one of our colleagues. This month it comes to Anna Naumenko.
Dr Anna Naumenko is a chartered occupational psychologist and statistician who has been a member of our core team for ten years. She has published numerous refereed papers and articles and previously lectured on psychometrics at Moscow State University. Working closely with our Technical Director, Dr Charles Johnson, Anna leads the production of statistical analyses and reports on the quality and performance of compulsory training and accreditation schemes for CAS clients, applying our risk based approach to identify where monitoring and inspection activities can be focused to best effect.